Millions of modern women feel
secure with o.b. tampons - all the
time and everywhere!
You don't notice anything -
others don't notice anything!
Sport, bicycle riding, dancing,
bathing. Do everything and keep
doing doing it. Wonderfully free and
no belt to hinder you. No pads or
Imperceptible protection
o.b. tampons, worn internally, you
don't feel, see or notice.
Comfortable usage
With o.b. you don't need a box. One
can carry them in the smallest bag
and take one out unnoticed as you
need it.
Unnoticeable and absolutely safe
o.b tampons don't show under
tight-fitting clothes or in a
bathing suit and . . . you can feel
secure under all circumstances.
Medically responsible
Scientific tests in America and many
European countries have demonstrated
that the o.b. method satisfies more
than the other modern methods. [Read
a medical
report from the 1940s
defending tampons and attacking
o.b. tampons
the modern monthly hygiene
price per pack of 10 tampons
(satisfies a month's needs):
Normal 1 florin
Special 1.25 florins
[A coupon for a sample follows.]