Other sex-education books: Married Love (1931), by Dr. Marie Stopes; Sex Facts for Women (1936), by Richard J. Lambert; and see Miscellaneous topics on this site
Read most of a 1928 Australian edition of Marjorie May's Twelfth Birthday. Marjorie May's Twelfth Birthday (1935) - Facts About Menstruation that every Woman should know (1936) - Marjorie May, introductory page, 1935 main page
Read Lynn Peril's series about these and similar booklets! And see the covers of the booklets How shall I tell my daughter?, Growing up and liking it, and Personal Digest; read the whole booklet As One Girl to Another (Kotex, 1940).
Marjorie May, three booklets, 1935 main page
Preparing for Womanhood (1920s, booklet for girls) - "Are you in the know?" ads (Kotex) (1949)(1953)(1964)(booklet, 1956) - See more ads on the Ads for Teenagers main page
Ads for the Kotex stick tampon (U.S.A., 1970s) - a Japanese stick tampon from the 1970s.
Early commercial tampons - Rely tampon - Meds tampon (Modess)
DIRECTORY of all topics (See also the SEARCH ENGINE, bottom of page.)
CONTRIBUTE to Humor, Words and expressions about menstruation and Would you stop menstruating if you could?
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Leer la versión en español de los siguientes temas: Anticoncepción y religión, Breve reseña - Olor - Religión y menstruación - Seguridad de productos para la menstruación.


Safe Counsel /or/ Practical Eugenics

by B. G. Jeffries, M.D., Ph.D., J. L. Nichols, A.M., Ozora S. Davis, Ph.D., and Dr. Emma F. A. Drake (39th edition, 1928, J. L. Nichols & Co., Naperville, Illinois, U.S.A.)

Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911), a cousin of Charles Darwin, introduced the word eugenics and probably founded the eugenics movement.

In a preface to this book, "The Science of Eugenics," the authors write:
"Eugenics, to use the definition of Sir Francis Galton, is the science which deals with all the influences that improve the inborn qualities of a race. It has also been called the science of improving the human race by better breeding."

Many people think of Hitler's attempt to create a "pure" race when they think of eugenics, but the dictator got some of his ideas from the American eugenics movement, which was behind the forcible sterilization of some Americans with "unacceptable" qualities, such as mental retardation. In 1936, the University of Heidelberg, in Germany, awarded American biologist Harry Laughlin, the creator of Virginia's eugenics laws, an honorary doctorate. Hitler used Virginia's laws as the model for his similar law ("Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses"). Laughlin would have "preferred to immediately castrate the most worthless tenth of the population," according to the quotation of the German news magazine Der Spiegel (issue #13, 2000).

 Read two excerpts from this extraordinary book:

In the first place in all such cases of feeble-mindedness, epilepsy, degeneracy [could this mean homosexuality, masturbation, "unusual" religious beliefs such as Wicca, Satanism - or Islam, Mormonism, the Quakers, Catholicism, or that of the person next door you don't like?] pauperism and congenital criminality, the patients should be freely given information as to the means for the prevention of conception. If they maliciously refuse to make use of contraceptives and continue to propagate their kind, then the state certainly has the right to step in and make it impossible to bring children into the world that they may become a menace to public health and a public burden. For the state to fail in either of these preventative measures is simply to follow the surest road to national degeneracy.
. . . .

The Virginia [s]tate [l]aw providing for the sterilization of mental defectives has recently been upheld by the United States Supreme [C]ourt in an opinion deemed of much importance because of the agitation for similar legislation in other states.
Better [f]or [a]ll [w]orld. The majority of the court, in the opinion written by Mr. Justice Holmes, held "that it is better for the world, if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind."

This large book (512 pages) was in many ways highly moral and public spirited, and claimed sales of more than one million copies on the back of the title page. It advised the reader on contraception, of course (and if the reader was defective, to use it!); the prevention of disease, venereal and otherwise; raising children; sex education; finding a mate; advice to newlyweds; maternal care; etc.

Men were advised to be tall and strong, women to have little feet. In particular,
"All women despise soft and silly men more than all other defects in their character. Woman [sic] can never love a man whose conversation is flat and insipid. . . . Young man, if you desire to win the love and admiration of young ladies, first, be intelligent; remember what you read, so you can talk about it."
(For example, this Web site: Ask that cutie you're trying to meet on the subway what she uses, a question close to her heart. "'Pons or pads?" you ask, then wink, and, turning serious, ask if she's tried interlabial pads. "Here," you say, "I happen to have an extra box in my backpack." What? She's pulling the emergency brake and is screaming for the police? Obviously she's not your type. Go to the Anti-tampon Conference in Harrisonburg, Virginia, on 1-2 April, discussed on the 27 March 2000 News page.)

Below: see some of the volume's beautiful pen-and-ink drawings, typical of the time.

SarahAnne Hazlewood generously donated this book to the museum.

The name of the roadhouse in the lower picture is The Purple Grackle, purple having probably a bad connotation ("purple prose").
The middle drawing shows an abortionist - abortion was illegal - charging $50.

NEXT - second - last page - Other sex-education books: Married Love (1931), by Dr. Marie Stopes; and Sex Facts for Women (1936), by Richard J. Lambert; and see Miscellaneous topics on this site

Copyright Harry Finley 2000