"Classic" Sanitary Napkin Belt, U.S.A., about
The word "classic" conveys comfort,
solidity and security, and implies a
long history. Sports people sometimes
misuse the word, in naming
tournaments, for example, that have
never been played before!
See a German
belt with washable pads from
just before this time.
See many more
images, long download time!
Tabs from a disposable
menstrual pad snaked through
the buckles of this American
menstrual napkin belt, worn around the
waist; it's probably from the 1940s.
Disposable pads gradually replaced
washable pads in America in the 1920s
and 1930s. Catalogs and stores of
the time, and until the early 1970s,
sold dozens of models. Adhesive pads
appeared in the 1970s, almost killing
the belt-and-tabbed-pad industry.
See a Swedish ad
showing pad
with belt and a side view on
an anatomical
model used by the old Tampax
company (1945).
At left we see the back
of the package of the belt; at right,
the front. This museum has an
almost full dealer's case of the
packages, bought from a seller of
medical antiques.
Copyright 2006 Harry Finley