Norwegian washable menstrual pads from the
nineteenth century
Merethe Slensvik, of the SCA
Mølnlycke Company of Norway -
the company's now [in the 1990s]
holding an exhibit of its history in a
Norwegian town museum; take a look at
what MUM shows of it - kindly
sent me this photo of knitted menstrual
pads made in Norway probably
during the 19th century. She writes
that they are among the oldest the
company has. See
the creator of the Norwegian museum
exhibit, Elin Graabæk, holding
a knitted pad in a local newspaper
Cloth pads of all kinds
were probably the usual menstrual
"device" before the introduction of
commercial disposable pads (generally
during or after the 1890s, depending
on the country), but these are the
first knitted pads I have ever seen!
Lucky visitors can see them in the
exhibit in Norway.
Speaking of the Mølnlycke
Company, see a bit of its history on
this site, starting with its first
See some similar German
knitted pads, from 1935
and around 1900.
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