See old Australian ads for douching equipment and many more belts from around the world. Pad directory. Contraception and religion. Contraceptive douches, etc.
CONTRIBUTE to Humor, Words and expressions about menstruation and Would you stop menstruating if you could?
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Amazing women! | the art of menstruation | artists (non-menstrual) | asbestos | belts | bidets | founder bio | Bly, Nellie | MUM board | books: menstruation and menopause (and reviews) | cats | company booklets for girls (mostly) directory | contraception and religion | costumes | menstrual cups | cup usage | dispensers | douches, pain, sprays | essay directory | extraction | facts-of-life booklets for girls | famous women in menstrual hygiene ads | FAQ | founder/director biography | gynecological topics by Dr. Soucasaux | humor | huts | links | masturbation | media coverage of MUM | menarche booklets for girls and parents | miscellaneous | museum future | Norwegian menstruation exhibit | odor | olor | pad directory | patent medicine | poetry directory | products, current | puberty booklets for girls and parents | religion | Religión y menstruación | your remedies for menstrual discomfort | menstrual products safety | science | Seguridad de productos para la menstruación | shame | slapping, menstrual | sponges | synchrony | tampon directory | early tampons | teen ads directory | tour of the former museum (video) | underpants & panties directory | videos, films directory | Words and expressions about menstruation | Would you stop menstruating if you could? | What did women do about menstruation in the past? | washable pads
Leer la versión en español de los siguientes temas: Anticoncepción y religión, Breve reseña - Olor - Religión y menstruación - Seguridad de productos para la menstruación.

Ads for menstrual belts and pads, Australia, about 1900

At least one of the two advertisements below are from a birth-control publication in Australia, probably printed around 1900 or slightly before. The Australian government prosecuted the "Wife's Guide and Friend" for being obscene because it advertised contraceptives and contained birth control information. Some visitors to this site will know what happened to Margaret Sanger in the United States a few years later.

Thank you very much to the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Melbourne, which owns the original of the first illustration, and to the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney, which owns the second. The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney kindly gave MUM photocopies of parts of both publications.

And many thanks to Megan Hicks of the Powerhouse Museum, Australia's largest museum, for her interest, commentary and help!

Above: This ad is from a short booklet which appears to be a reprint of the second half of "The Wife's Guide and Friend" (from which the ad below comes). In a testimonial on the opposite page, a woman refers favorably to the belt as a "diaper," a term not exactly in favor today.
The advertising copy is as glowing as advertising copy ever has been. Some things never change.
Original owned by the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Melbourne
"The Wife's Guide and Friend," which originally appeared in the 1890s in Australia, contained this ad, at least in a later edition. The belt could hold a "sponge, cloth, cotton-wool, or any absorbing material," including what was advertised on the opposite page: "cotton-wool, medicated with an antiseptic," and disposable. Antiseptic? "[It] makes them perfectly free from any unpleasantness if not destroyed immediately after use. This is of great value to ladies when travelling." Traveling has been a persistent issue with menstruating women (see the 1914 Sears ad).
Original owned by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney, Australia
See old Australian ads for douching equipment and many more belts from around the world. Pad directory.

© 1998 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute work on this Web site in any manner or medium without written permission of the author. Please report suspected violations to