MUM Picks the Third Member of Its Board of Directors!

This museum is proud to announce that Dr. Barbara Czerwinski, associate professor of nursing at the University of Texas at Houston, is a new member of the board for the future non-profit Museum of Menstruation!

Dr. Czerwinski helped develop the hygienic facilities for the space shuttle, and is now conducting a study of the hygienic requirements of the women in the U.S. military for the Department of Defense.

The museum picked Dr. Philip M. Tierno, Jr., of the New York University Medical Center, as its first board member, and Miki Walsh for its second member.

The Museum of Menstruation is becoming a non-profit corporation, and is searching for board members to guide its future development.

The purpose of this museum is to create exhibits and other information for the general public, and resources for scholars, that show the place of menstruation and women's health in world culture.

"you have a very silly museum"

The teenage daughter of an Australian acquaintance recently sent me this letter (I retain here the punctuation and form of the original, which I print complete, except for the signature):

"you have a very silly museum . . . it's weird. my mum [!] thinks it's cool . . . i think it's grot . . . . but don't close it down because it's funny . . . .

did you open it because you don't get periods and felt bad and got a raw deal from the omni-present one??

if you want we can swap and you can have my periods for me every month, I'm a generous and giving person.

thank you for the period diaphragm thingy [an Instead cup I sent her mother] it's grot and I wouldn't want to take it out after I've used it . . . "[this last comment is typical for Instead]

I think grot means yucky; anyone know for sure?

Expanding the Mission of MUM to Include Women's Health

Not only will the MUM of the future concern itself with the world-wide phenomenon of menstruation, it will display histories of various aspects of women's health. (Menstruation, by the way, does not equal "ill health" in some vague way. You do not go to the doctor to have your hair cut. Menstruation IS, just as hair IS; both can show signs of ill health, but neither IS ill health. Am I being too philosophical?)

For example, exhibits could show

As far as I know, there are few if any displays treating these important subjects, because they are not polite. Menstruation is also not polite, which means that this museum is a great place to discuss them.

This reminds me of two critical letters written about MUM, which touch on politeness and the issue of menstruation's being none of my - meaning me, the director of MUM - business, because I am male. Both are anonymous. One MUM received directly from Cheyenne, Wyoming; Megan Rosenfeld, who wrote the story about MUM for the Washington Post (15 April 1995), received the other one at the Post and sent it to me. (See also how the Post investigated me, an illustration of just what I am talking about.) Both illustrate why MUM is necessary. A retired federal judge also wrote MUM, but came to a different conclusion; it's worth reading too.

So what better place to discuss things people don't want to discuss than MUM?

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