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Jewish and Palestinian Women: A New Bond Through Rites of Passage

by DeAnna L'am (Copyright 1999)

In January 1999, I held a series of RED MOON - RITES OF PASSAGE workshops in Israel/Palestine, my country of origin. The main workshop took place at Neveh Shalom/Wahat Al-Salam, the only Jewish-Palestinian intentional community in Israel, located 15 miles south-west of Jerusalem. 20 women attended, about half were Palestinian and half Jewish. A similar workshop in Tel Aviv brought together 17 participants ranging in age from a 14-year-old girl to a 72-year-old holocaust survivor.

Our work together revealed time and again our suppressed bond as cycling women. Palestinian and Jewish, young and old, we, unanimously reclaimed this bond as taking precedence over such artificial divides as nationality, religion, age, belief system and political bias, connecting us to all women who ever lived and ever will live on this planet, our Mother.

The women around the country, Jewish and Palestinian, seemed ready to lead the way towards a different kind of partnership in the Middle East, as daily life runs rampant with violence. The thirst for peaceful and independent spirituality, free of the old religious institutions, seems to move people in an extensive search in different directions and the women's community seems to be extremely ripe for leading the way.

I feel grateful in serving this wave of consciousness, which I experience as the awakening of the ancient Mother in the Middle East. My work will continue to lead me to the Middle East at least once a year, as I feel deeply moved to bring the Rites Of Passage work to that part of the world. My roots, however, are deeply planted here in Northern California, where I have arrived after uprooting from the Middle East. I'm aware of my role as world-bridger and am deeply inspired in my service.

You can help by:

1. Sponsoring one or more girls

2. Sponsoring/organizing a RED MOON workshop in your area

3. Contributing to our Travel Fund

4. Donating clothes for girls and women in the occupied territories in



You can reach RED MOON at:

DeAnna L'am holds a degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has trained in human psychology, multi-cultural dialogue, peacemaking and women's spirituality. She is founder of RED MOON- RITES OF PASSAGE and of HONESTY- A LIVING BRIDGE BETWEEN YOUTH AND ADULTS. She is a Labyrinth facilitator with a travelling classical rope Labyrinth.

DeAnna is available for facilitating family or group celebrations of Menarche, Motherhood or Menopause and initiates self-sustaining circles of girls and women at a local, national and international level.

She can be reached at:

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